Excel exports
under review
Incarnadine Tiger
Currentmy you can export the estimate as a pdf and will get three layers in the report: trade total, trade breakdown and room by room breakdown. When exporting the estimate via excel all of this data is not available. It’s clearly there as it’s used to produce the pdf and it’s most likely managed as a csv or excel in the background… why limit it?
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Maxime Teissier
under review
Fawn Kite
This is a feature we would greatly appreciate for us to start using the estimate subscription
Purple Galliform
My problem exactly.
Multiple insurance companies requires you to upload a csv to their portals and at the moment the I have to copy and paste every line item one at a time if I were to use the magic plan estimating tool.
Not only that but being able to import the sow with a csv to our own portal is essential to be able to easily produce work/purchase orders to send to subcontractors.
This is in my opinion the number one issue with magic plan as an estimating tool at the moment.
Genevieve George
Hi. When exporting the sow/estimate as an xls file I need all line items by room with quantities and price per value.
Is there any way to have all line items exported with all information that's part of every line item - Jakob Andersson
Bernd Wolfram
Merged in a post:
Excel Export
Azure Warbler
The existing excel export only summarises the overall costs. Ideally, the export would allow the costs to be separated into rooms. This should also include separation of the items in a clear table: Item: (SKU number) Description: Name of the item, Quantity: (Number of each item, Unit (m2, m, Item, Hrs etc), Rate (Cost per) and Total (Quantity x Rate). If unpriced then this should exclude rate and total and just have Quantity and unit but in separate columns.
Azure Warbler
Example Bill of Quantities below- the items should be split room by room.
Azure Warbler
Agree, I am trying to get it to follow a bill of quantities format so that you can pick and choose what you can see. Quantity, Rate, Unit, Cost and Total Split Room by room. My work around currently is to export the PDF to Word then transfer to excel but it doesn't always populate correctly.