Attach videos
in progress
Yarrow Bobcat
We would like the ability to not only attach photos but also videos. Either as part of the "Photo" section or as a question in a custom form.
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Absinthe green Falcon
Yes, we are interested, how should we proceed?
Bernd Wolfram
Absinthe green Falcon: I just gave you access to Video. Please make sure you are using the latest app version. If you don't see the video option you may need to sign out and log in again! Looking forward to your feedback!
Bernd Wolfram
Hello everyone! We just released a new update that includes a closed beta of the video feature in magicplan.
Please respond here if you would like to get early access!
This feature is currently in beta, so there may still be some rough edges. Here’s what you can do:
✅ Record and play videos directly in the app
✅ Include videos in Photo Reports
❌ Videos are not yet displayed on the Report PDF or public Project Link
I’d love to hear your feedback, especially on camera performance, video upload/download stability, and streaming between devices.
Regional Dinosaur
Bernd Wolfram count me in
Fawn Kite
Bernd Wolfram yes, yes & yes please
Bernd Wolfram
Regional Dinosaur: Done! You now have access.
Bernd Wolfram
Fawn Kite: Done! You now have access.
Fawn Kite
Bernd Wolfram do i need access to Magicplan BETA app to test? I have updated the normal app but cant see the video beta section
Fawn Kite
sorted, I had to log out and log back in
Amaranth Carp
this would be very useful, please could we have an update to when this would be planned?
This post was marked as
in progress
Green Flamingo
My workaround is: Create an unlisted youtube playlist for the project. Link the playlist in via a custom form question. The pdf still treats this as a link, but it is a bit messy.
Bernd Wolfram
Merged in a post:
Option Video
Ruling Cobra
Can you please add the option to save videos as well as photos? This would make the documentation of cable routes or the course of pipes much easier. Thanks!
Bernd Wolfram
Merged in a post:
Add button for video
Typical Mammal
It would be great to add a video button to a form and then assign the video to a specific question in the form
Bernd Wolfram
Fawn Kite
Bernd Wolfram any news on when this would be updated on the app?