Auto complete estimate customer and address
Tyrian purple Jaguar
In my estimate, I would like my customer information to auto populate from my project, rather than having to type it all in again or create a new customer each time.
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Maxime Teissier
Merged in a post:
Customer Name Auto Generating for Project
Rose quartz Parakeet
It would be great when you go to a project to create an estimate if the customer name and information was auto generated from the project name and address. It is a pain to search through addresses without a name to create new estimates.
Maxime Teissier
Merged in a post:
The New Customer Form needs to be redesigned
Sensitive Alligator
I first noticed that the order to enter the address information is unlike the standard; usually, "Standard" is Street, Apartment, or Suite # (An optional blank field), City, State, ZIP Code, and Country. The second thing I noticed is there is no field for the state. Also, it should be another address field called "Work to be performed at." Sometimes, I submit estimates to realtors; the address for billing is the realtor's address, and the work will be performed at a house to be sold or sold by the realtor. Even there are clients who own a few properties.
Maxime Teissier
Rose quartz Parakeet thanks for pointing that out! I agree the address feature can be improved!
In 2025, we want to:
- Add a dedicated section to create and manage your customers.
- Synchronize the project and estimate addresses.
- Add distinct addresses for the worksite and the billing.
- Redesign the experience in the cloud.
I will be notified when we make progress!
Let me know if you have comments on my answer!
Maxime Teissier
Maxime Teissier
Tyrian purple Jaguar you are very right!
We will rework the addresses soon to:
- have them synchronized with the project address
- offer a billing address and also a worksite address
This should happen in the first half of next year 💪
Maxime Teissier
under review