Block user from exporting when no listing id is found
under review
Reluctant Kiwi
We currently testing the listing functionality and we did notice that whenever we are not able to find return any result that would match the project in MagicPlan the listing functionality continues to just work and exports even though it could not be matched with anything. We would like a feature where it would allows us to block the user from exporting until there is one or many result from the listing. We are currently finding potential matches with the listing functionality based on the address & geo coordinates that we receive from you, and most likely when we are not able to find a result for the MagicPlan project it is because the address is incorrect, and we would therefore want to be able to block the user to continue until that has been fixed.
We would normally put this as a bug, but there might be other users than our company (Aira) that uses this functionality that might depend on that it is not blocking. So therefore we added it as a feature request. If it is intended to be blocking, feel free to move this to a bug instead.
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Anita Beqiri Lohaj
Hey Linus,
You can utilize this API for your purpose: [Receive Floor Plan API - Authorize Transfer][]. By returning status 18, the app will not proceed with calling your webhook. You can add the URL for transfer authorization via the Workspace Update API using the "authorize_url" field: [Workspace Update API][].
Let us know if you have any questions.
Reluctant Kiwi
Hi! So we are using this and if we return an empty list your call to our endpoint, it looks like in phone app that it succeeded, but in reality we want to indicate for the user that we could not find something to link the project with.
Susanne Reich
Hi Reluctant Kiwi , thanks for your feedback. Could you let us know which API you are referring to?
Susanne Reich
under review