Save an item in a price list from an estimate
Maxime Teissier
As a user,
I want to be able to save in a price list an item I have created in an estimate.
So that I can re-use it later.
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Maxime Teissier
Maxime Teissier
Merged in a post:
ESTIMATES - ADD - NEW ITEM - Can we have an option to save the new item to one of our price lists so we can collectively grow our price list over time?
Fawn Kite
Fawn Kite
This is a great idea, I have just asked for the same thing. Every job has additional line items we have to add and the ability to save these means we can grow our price lists over time
Maxime Teissier
Fawn Kite I merged your request into this one!
I can give you a time line yet but we will definitely implement this feature in the coming months.
Fawn Kite
Maxime Teissier Thank you for the update