Annotation numbers don't match between CSV and report
Excess Mollusk
The user reports problems with mismatching numbers in all projects that we update on the ipad and re-upload to the cloud. As an example, you can look at “Riksvegen 854” - All the numbers mismatches. E.g., the window is number 60 in the pdf, but it is number 56 in the csv-file.
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Bernd Wolfram
Bernd Wolfram
Bernd Wolfram
Awake Finch
Hi! Have you looked more into this? We still don't understand how we can avoid the problem with mismatching numbers. To us it seems the numbers are skewed every time we upload the plan. The numbers matches the first time we upload. The second time we upload the numbers don't match.
Awake Finch
Thank you for the explanation. I think I understand what you are saying. But I can't find the "Selected only" choice in the settings that is causing the problem. If I understand you correctly we will not get the issue with mismatching numbers if we choose "all" in the pdf settings? This would be an ok solution for us. But it seems like no matter what I choose I get all the annotations in the pdf (I am only able to remove pictures and notes)
(Gaps in numbering is also ok. As long as the numbers in the pdf and in the csv file match.)
Could you send us a more detailed explanation on how we can choose "select all" and get the same numbers in the pdf report and the csv?
Bernd Wolfram
Thank you for bringing this up Excess Mollusk. We looked into your issue: This is not a bug, but I do see it isn't very clear. I want to take the opportunity to get your thoughts.
Why are there different reference numbers on the Report PDF and CSV?
Reference numbers are generated when you trigger an export. The app checks which objects need to be referenced in the document and generates reference numbers. Let's say 1 to 31.
The number range in the CSV may differ since it might not contain the same referenced objects.
You can see that we are currently creating a number for every object referenced in a specific export.
By definition, numbers will not match between export types.
We could solve this by assigning a unique number for every object (wall, door, window, piece of furniture, etc)
- Object A gets annotation number 1
- Object B gets annotation number 2
- Object C gets annotation number 3
Then, depending on your export setting, if you choose “Selected only” in the PDF settings, you would only see 1 and 3.
If you choose “All”, you will see 1, 2, and 3.
This solves the consistency problem between CSV and PDF.
A side effect is that you have significant gaps in numbering. Your first annotation might start with 11, then 13, 14, 26, 120, etc..
Would that still make sense for you?
Bernd Wolfram
under review