MagicPlan will not Generate Report PDF or Sketch PDF
Lava Kangaroo
I have not been able to create Report PDF's or Sketch PDF's from any existing projects on my iPad since the update. The software says "Generating..." and shows the spinning wheel until I close out of the software.
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Susanne Reich
Lava Kangaroo: In that case, your app is presumably running the sync in the background, which in some cases might take quite some time. If the new app looks stuck during export and network operation seems to never finish, please do the following:
- Set the device to not lock itself, and stay awake all night.
- Keep it powered for a full night and hope that the sync goes through.
- After the sync was completed, you will be able to use magicplan just fine.
Susanne Reich
Hi everyone, this issue was fixed. Please upgrade your app version to 2024.33.0 in the App Store or Play Store. Thanks!
Granite Chameleon
I cannot find the option to generate new PFF’s (Report and Sketch) using the latest update … I updated to latest version this morning.
Susanne Reich
under review
Susanne Reich
Hi Lava Kangaroo , thanks for reaching out! Please update your app version to the latest version in the app store (2024.28.1) which was published today, and let us know if you're still facing this issue.
Lava Kangaroo
Susanne Reich I updated to 2024.28.1 and I still have the same issue. I'm unable to get any of the features under the "Exports" menu (Report PDF, Sketch PDF, Sketch Files, Statistics, etc.) to fully generate. I am at a loss...
Susanne Reich
Lava Kangaroo: In that case, your app is presumably running the sync in the background, which in some cases might take quite some time. If the new app looks stuck during export and network operation seems to never finish, please do the following:
- Set the device to not lock itself, and stay awake all night.
- Keep it powered for a full night and hope that the sync goes through.
- After the sync was completed, you will be able to use magicplan just fine.