We have recently started testing out the listing functionality and it seems like we can not turn it off once we have defined a listing url by using the endpoint https://cloud.magicplan.app/api/v2/workspace/ [PUT]. We are trying to set the variable listing_url to null but instead we receive an error. We are currently not in need of turning it off, but we want to be able to in-case we feel like this functionality is not longer needed or wanted. But as of now that does not seem possible.
The request we send to the endpoint https://cloud.magicplan.app/api/v2/workspace/ [PUT]:
"listing_url": null
What we get back:
"errors": {
"errors": "Body does not match schema for content-type \"application/json\" for Request [put /workspace]"
We would instead expect this to set the listing_url to null and turn off the listing functionality.