under review
Fawn Kite
When adding photos onto a job to a specific room, the photos are appearing on the first page of the report as thumbnails, this includes all our 360 Panoramas
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Susanne Reich
under review
Gilles Grégoire
Fawn Kite We had a look at the project #6487 here, and it seems that this is related to the behavior of photo attachments and object deletion. In the BETA app, when an object with a photo attached is deleted, then the photo itself is not deleted and becomes attached to the project itself.
An example photo where this is the case in this project is the "blueish toilet photo" which at some point was related to an annotation 360 inside the toilets of the 3rd floor, and then that annotation was deleted. The blueish toilet photo appears at the project level because of this behavior.
This is a behavior we might improve in the future.
Fawn Kite
Gilles Grégoire Thank you for this update. How do I remove these photos?
Susanne Reich
Fawn Kite: In order to remove a photo from project level (in the Editor), you go to the project details and delete the photos from there.
Gilles Grégoire
Thanks for the report. This is a preference which can be configured from the app from the exports screens. See attached screenshots:
Fawn Kite
Gilles Grégoire Thank you for your response. (FYI - I'm using the BETA app) Removing the miniature photos is not the solution, we like the miniature photos. The miniature photos are at the beginning of the report instead of located in the room the photo is associated with. See previous report attached which was done before the current updates